Strany / Pages:
Jazyk / Language
Publikované / Published
Vydavateľ / Publisher
Prognostický ústav CSPV SAV

Popis / Abstract:
This paper analyses four specific technological innovations — artificial meat, blockchain, drones for delivery, and off-grid electricity — by looking at them as weak signals and emerging issues with potentially positive and negative impacts on the environment. They are arising at a remarkably fast pace and this work examines the patterns of their emergence. The main purpose of this paper is to challenge the dominant view on their probable future and stimulate policymakers to consider their alternatives, and ultimately increase policymaking resilience.  The analysis is based on a systematic review of available academic and non-academic literature, with the aim of synthesising obtainable knowledge on each of the considered technologies and enabling a broad understanding of potential threats and opportunities related thereto.
Reduction of the total greenhouse gas emissions, improvements in energy efficiency, decreased pressure on limited natural resources, and increased protection of ecosystems are the main areas to which the selected technologies could make an important contribution.  Yet, the complexity and the wide array of risks associated with their diffusion challenge the conventional view that technological innovations are the panacea for global environmental problems. We argued instead that potential risks and threats related to their dissemination must be addressed through adequate policies, adopted in a timely manner, and founded upon extensive research.

Kľúčové slová / Keywords:
new technologies, European environment, emerging issues, weak signals, artificial meat, blockchain, drones for delivery, off-grid electricity.

Ako citovať / How to Cite:
ISO 690:
P. Slovák, R. Filčák, D. Dokupilová. 2019. The Impact of Emerging Enviromental Issues on the European Environment. In Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 5-42. DOI:
P. Slovák, R. Filčák, D. Dokupilová. (2019). The Impact of Emerging Enviromental Issues on the European Environment. Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, 11 (2), 5-42. DOI: