Strany / Pages:
Autori / Authors
Jazyk / Language
Publikované / Published
Vydavateľ / Publisher
Prognostický ústav CSPV SAV

Popis / Abstract:
The aim of this contribution is to compare the Slovak health care system and its efficiency with the situation in the OECD countries, as well as the health care models as such. The first part is devoted to define the key terms and approaches of various health care systems (Beveridge, Bismarck, private, mixed) and also to specify the field of data needed for the final calculations. The main section contains research based on the OECD health data. The bulk of the research is focused on comparison of mutual relations between GDP per capita and life expectancy at birth, health expenditures or indicators of doctors, nurses and others. In the final part the results of empirical research are presented including the numerous comparisons of indicators of sources and results in health care as well as the evaluation efficiency of health care models with suggestions for possible resource savings.

Kľúčové slová / Keywords:
health care models, health expenditure, health indicators, OECD health data

Ako citovať / How to Cite:
ISO 690:
D.Pobudová. 2019. Cross – National Comparisons of Health System. In Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 5-20. DOI:
D.Pobudová. (2019). Cross – National Comparisons of Health System. Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, 11 (1), 5-20. DOI: