Guide for authors:
Foresight, Analysis and Recommendations-FAR deliver the original contributions of the Institute for Forecasting SAS researchers and their collaborators from Slovakia as well as abroad. The contributions  can be  send by researchers of any academic institutions  from Slovak Republic or abroad.

Deadline for new contributions to new number of journal PP-FAR is 31.05.2021.

Review process:
All contributions available for publication in scientific journal Foresight, Analysis and Recommendations-FAR should be sent in electronic form to the executive editor at
The both templates (in Slovak and English version) are in the appendix, where are presented all the technical parameters for the writing of the article (eg formatting and manual for references).
Reviewers will be contacted by the executive editor according to the consultation with the editorial board. At least one reviewer must be from an external institution. Reviewers remain anonymous. Papers already published elsewhere will not be accepted for publishing. Offered contribution should not be at the same time offered to other periodicals. Contributions will be not assesed linguistic adjustment.
Contributor is responsible for the quality of language version of contribution.

We also ask the contributors to include the signed declaration on the European Charter and Code for Researchers.

We are looking forward on new articles and the cooperate.