Strany / Pages:
5 - 21
Jazyk / Language
Publikované / Published
Vydavateľ / Publisher
Prognostický ústav CSPV SAV

Popis / Abstract:
The fourth industrial revolution is considered a trigger for the industry transformation. It brings new breakthrough technologies as well as business models. The response of the countries to upcoming technology changes is to support the industrial transformation called Industry 4.0. Concept Industry 4.0 enables increase overall economic performance through the introduction of innovative product as well as process innovation in the industry. Variety of countries support this transformation mainly through introduction of technologies by enterprises as well as focused R&D programs. The Government of the Slovak Republic approved several strategies related to Industry 4.0, which define technological priorities in line with the Industry 4.0 concept. The article compares the priorities identified and highlighted some overlaps between strategies from the technology domains point of view.

Kľúčové slová / Keywords:
Industry 4.0, policy, technologies, specialization

Ako citovať / How to Cite:
ISO 690:
M. Balog, J. Herčko. 2020. Industry 4.0 – Technological priorities in the Slovakia. In Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 5-21. DOI:
M. Balog, J. Herčko. (2020). Indrustry 4.0 – Technological priorities in the Slovakia. Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, 12 (1), 5-21. DOI: