Rok Vydania
Počet strán

ISBN:     978-80-970850-4-9
e-ISBN: 978-80-970850-5-6

JUDr. Mgr. Martina Lubyová,
PhD., Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.

This book represents another volume of the series of annual reports on the situation at the Slovak labour market resulting from a research project funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency. The main goals of this report are: (i) to review the recent labour market developments, (ii) to provide short-term and mid-term forecasts of the labour market development, and (iii) to examine the causes of selected structural problems of the Slovak labour market.

The report is targeting the key stakeholders in the field of labour market policies, research community and general public. The current volume is published in English language complemented by short summaries in Slovak for each chapter.

