Strany / Pages:
40 - 51
Jazyk / Language
Publikované / Published
Vydavateľ / Publisher
Prognostický ústav CSPV SAV

Popis / Abstract:
Non-parametric DEA models are widely used in empirical investigations in educational domain. We demonstrate the merits of this approach analysing OECD PIAAC 2012 test results. Employing the basic radial CCR model, we compute a DEA-based index and expose capabilities of DEA to identify relative strong points of the subjects under evaluation. Though DEA based ranking are shown to be similar to the one derived from simple averages, the former can potentially provide insightful information from the detailed optimization results. Although in the particular dataset Japan towered over the rest of the countries and did not allow to fully demonstrate the capabilities of the approach, we find DEA a promising technique for future intertemporal analysis of PIAAC data.

Kľúčové slová / Keywords:
PIAAC, data envelopment analysis, DEA based index

Ako citovať / How to Cite:
ISO 690:
E. Nežinský, I. Studená. 2020. PIAAC ASSESSMENT: SLOVAKIA WITHIN THE OECD. In Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 40-51. DOI:

E. Nežinský, I. Studená. (2020). PIAAC ASSESSMENT: SLOVAKIA WITHIN THE OECD. Prognostické práce – Foresight, Analysis and Reccomendations / PP – FAR, 12 (1), 40-51. DOI: