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The main objective of the research project is to define causality between spatial localisation of Roma settlements, including physical infrastructure conditions and spatial localisation of employment opportunities. The specific objective of the project is to identify: (i) living conditions including qualification profile of this segment of population, in selected three territories in marginalized regions of Slovakia and (ii) the localisation and structure of disposable employment opportunities in the same selected territories. Recommendations aimed at improvement of the access of marginalized groups to the labor market in these disadvantaged territories will be a part of the outputs of the project. The partial objectives are as follows: - analyzing living conditions of disadvantaged Roma population in selected areas in disadvantaged regions, including qualification structure of the population, - analyzing the localization and typology of job opportunities in selected areas in marginalized regions, - identifying the geographical availability of job opportunities for marginalized groups in selected areas in marginalized regions (including transport availability, modalities of transport, transport conditions, time consuming, etc.), - identifying the qualification requirements of available jobs, - identifying social networks of the marginalized population in selected territories in disadvantaged regions that can facilitate or impede access to the labor market. The project will fulfill these objectives using quantitative and qualitative methods, the combination of which will allow better understanding of all dimensions of disadvantages of marginalized groups and their exclusion from the labor market. The target areas for the research will be three natural nodal areas surrounding three district centres in the Košice and Prešov regions.