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Horizon2020: ENLIVEN, Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe

Duration of the project: 10/2016 - 09/2019 

Principal investigator: Ing. Ivana Studená, Ph.D.,

List of scientific co-workers:
Mgr. Denisa Fedáková, PhD.
Ing. Richard Heriban, PhD.
Mgr. Zuzana Kožárová
Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
BA. Gabriel Weibl, PhD.
Mgr. M.A. Zuzana Polačková
Miroslava Klempová

Participating organisations:    
The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Universidad De La Iglesia De Deusto, Spain
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge Bulgaria
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark
Centre of social and psychological sciences, IF SAS, Slovakia
The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
3s Unternehmensberatung Gmbh, Austria
Tallinn University, Estonia
University of Melbourne, Australia

The ENLIVEN project’s overarching objective is to provide an innovative model and mechanism to support policy debate, policy formation and policy evaluation in lifelong learning, focusing on the needs of today’s young adults, and integrating theoretical and empirical perspectives from social and computer sciences. The project will generate an evidence-based analysis of where, when and why policies have been effective, and develop a computer-based intelligent system to improve policy-making.

Ciele projektu

Specific  objectives:

- Map and critically assess key elements of programmes implemented at EU, national and regional levels to support access to and participation in adult learning among excluded population groups and those at risk of social exclusion, assess how these have addressed disadvantage, inequality, and social exclusion, and helped overcome barriers to participation.

- Assess the impact of “system characteristics” (of initial and adult education, the labour market, the economy, and social protection) on aggregate participation rates (overall, and in various segments of adult education markets), and on the distribution of participation (with special reference to disadvantaged young adults and using gender-sensitive approaches).

- Assess the role of lifelong learning in developing a productive, efficient and competitive economy through investigating what learning potential and innovation ability exists within workplaces, what organisational models favour innovation ability and innovative oriented training, and how effective learning actions are.

- Identify and map the nature and availability of data about adult and lifelong learning, and integrate these with new research findings from across the ENLIVEN project and, using data mining, establish a knowledge base for the development of an Intelligent Decision Support System to support policy making.

- Design and implement an Intelligent Decision Support System, and test how this could adapt to new knowledge and learn from restoring users’ experience interactively.

- Identify the learning potential and innovative capacity which exists within workplaces, what organisational models favour innovation ability and innovation-oriented training, and how effective learning actions are.

Project website: https://h2020enliven.org